Main Committee Recruitment Interview‏

>> Sunday, January 03, 2010


Ever wonder how can you help the society more and improve in your leadership skills?
Here’s a chance for you to prove yourself!
Rotaract Club is looking for worthy people to be our future leaders for our next incoming committee 10/11.
[OPPS! There is a Criteria: Positions are only open to current Year 1 Rotaract Members]

The following positions that are available are namely:
(1) Community Service Director - 2 positions
Basically you will be organizing community service projects and to collaborate with external organizations.
Some examples of the events are like: Peer Tutoring, Christmas caroling/ Celebrating Mooncake Festival at Old Folks Home/ Visiting SPCA

(2) Fellowship Director - 1 position
There is a need to develop membership and therefore you need to come up with strategies and also plan fellowship activities to bond members as one.
Some events that we have planned for the previous few months are like: Christmas Party, Fellowship Camp, BBQ

(3) International Service Director - 1 position
Organize overseas community trip like liaising with our Taiwan Sister Club for exchange trip and planning their itinerary when they visit Singapore.

(4) Public Relations Director - 1 position
Publishing of our annual newsletter, develop materials pertaining to the "Rotaract" brand identity or club identity. Also handle external communications if needed.

(5) Professional Development Director - 2 positions
Organize enrichment activities that helps to widen/ motivates member's knowledge and they can apply it in their daily life.
You will also learn to communicate with a lot of external organization.
Some events are like: First Aid Courses, Volunteerism Talk

If you think you have the capability of being one, we will be having an interview:
Date: 6th January 2010 (Wednesday)
Time: 5pm onwards.

If you are interested in becoming one of the committee members, please send in your:
(1) Full Name
(2) Contact No
(3) Course and Year
(4) Time Available (After 5pm)
(5) Post Interested
to either or

*Replying it to the club email will be deem void!

If you have any enquiries regarding to this event, you can contact Cheow Yean at 91278812 or Vivien at 90486438.

Warmest Regards,
Cheow Yean & Vivien
Rotaract Club of Ngee Ann Polytechnic

Rotaract Christmas Party (Pls take note!!!)

>> Saturday, December 05, 2009

Hi fellow Rotaractors,

Please take note that there has been a slight change in the Christmas Party on the 22nd December 2009. The entrance fee has been reduced to only $3 and registration has been extended to the 10th December 2009!!!

If you have yet to sign up for this event, why bother to hestiate?

Join us and sign up via

Ps: For those who have already signed up, your application has been successful so you need not sign up again.
*Register via club email will be void

A night of games, fun, laughter and friends awaits you in less than 3 weeks!!! See you then~!

Cheers & Regards,
Wendy Guo
Vice President 09/10
Rotaract Club of Ngee Ann Polytechnic

Christmas Celebration @ Red Cross Home‏

>> Monday, November 30, 2009

Hey Fellow Rotaractors,

Would you like to spread the message of “Thanks and Giving" to the Red Cross Home residents? Here is the chance for you to do so!

Rotaract Club will be visiting the Red Cross Home at Elizabeth Drive to celebrate Christmas and bringing the joy to them! You will be involved in singing Christmas Carols to the patients from ward to ward and giving out goodies bag to them!

Excited? Sign up now!

Details of Christmas Caroling @ Red Cross Home:
Date: 19 December 2009, Saturday
Time: 12pm - 4pm
Beneficiary: Red Cross Home For the Disabled
Meeting Venue: Canteen 2 (TBC)
Volunteers: 25

What you need to prepare:
1) A Heart To Spread The Joy of Christmas!
2) A Voice To Cheer The Patients!

Registration Ends on the 6th December 2009, Sunday at 2359.

Join us and sign up via

*Register via club email will be void

Warmest Regards
Cheryl and Sinyee
Community Service Directors
Rotaract Club of Ngee Ann Polytechnic

Sweet Thoughts


This event is not under Rotaract Club of Ngee Ann Polytechnic.
Please contact The Singapore Association for the Deaf directly if you are interested to join!

Rotaract Christmas Party

>> Saturday, November 28, 2009

Hey Fellow Rotaractors!

It's the Season to be Jolly! The Season of giving is here!
The Fellowship Subcomm Have Put Together a X'MAS PARTY of the year!

A night of games,fun and laughter!

Details are as follows:
Date: 22 December 2009, Tuesday
Time: 630pm-815pm
Venue: TBC
Theme: Masquerade Mask

What you need to bring:
1. A Gift for GIFT EXCHANGE (at least $5)
2. $5 for entrance fee (have to pay in advance)

Highlights: Bonding games, Gift exchange, Sing-along session etc

*Be The FIRST 20 to sign up and YOU WILL GET A MYSTERY EARLY BIRD GIFT at the door!!! :D

Registration Ends on the 6th December 2009, Sunday 2359

Why Hesitate?
Join us and sign up via

*Register via club email will be void

Joan Quek
Fellowship Director
Rotaract Club of Ngee Ann Polytechnic

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