Updates on Singapore Cancer Society Colorectal Month

>> Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Yo Rotaractors,

SCS is requiring more volunteers for the Singapore Cancer Society Colorectal Month. Please sign up as a volunteer with Evelyn Ng (evelyn_ng@singaporecancersociety.org.sg) if you are able to make it!!!

1. NUH FOBT distribution (11am to 3pm)
Ø 13th March
Ø 17th March
Ø 20th March
Ø 24th March
Ø 27th March
Ø 31st March

2. Assembling of FOBT kit (in SCS)
Ø Monday to Friday (Any day)
Ø 9-5pm (Any time)

3. Data Entry (in SCS)
Ø Monday to Friday (Any day)
Ø 9-5pm (Any time)

4. Packing/ labeling of FOBT kits (in SCS)
Ø Monday to Friday (Any day)
Ø 9-5pm (Any time)

Should you have any enquires, please do call Evelyn Ng at 96807763 or email her at evelyn_ng@singaporecancersociety.org.sg

Thank you.

PS: FOR THOSE WHO SIGNED UP AND GET THE CONFIRMATION FROM EVELYN, REMEMBER TO FORWARD THE EMAIL TO THE CLUB EMAIL [cca_rotaract@np.edu.sg]. We'll need to keep track of those who have signed up for this event so please co-operate with us. Thank you.

Wendy Guo
Outgoing Public Relations Director
Rotaract Club of Ngee Ann Polytechnic


Schedule for Singapore Cancer Society Colorectal Month

>> Sunday, March 08, 2009

Hi Rotaractors,

Below is the confirmed schedule for the Singapore Cancer Society Colorectal Month. Please remember to go for the days which you have been assigned to. If your name does not appear in this schedule, you are not required to attend, UNLESS the organizer has assigned you to another venue which you MUST inform us.

If you are unable to come on the day(s) which you have been assigned to, please inform the organizer in charge at least two days before. The organizer in charge of this event is Evelyn Ng and her contact number is 6421-5836/ 96807763.

Thanks and hope you'll be able to learn something new from this event! Enjoy your holidays~!

Warmest regards,
Wendy Guo
Outgoing Public Relations Director
Rotaract Club of Ngee Ann Polytechnic


Rotaract New Club Shirt

>> Sunday, March 01, 2009

Hi fellow Rotaractors,

As discussed during the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in February 2009, we have finalized the design of the new club shirt for 2009/2010. The price of this club shirt is estimated to be $15 (TBC). This new club shirt will be made of normal polo tee fabric. The design is attached to this e-mail. This club shirt should be ready by the end of April 2009 (when the new semestral starts).

This club shirt is a symbol of being a Rotaract member and it should be worn during our events. I would suggest that each member to purchase a club shirt so that you will be easily recognized as part of Ngee Ann Polytechnic Rotaract Club when attending the club events.

If you are interested in purchasing this new club shirt, please reply back to this e-mail by saying "I'm interested in purchasing this new club shirt". We'll need to confirm the number of orders before placing the orders with the supplier.

We seek all of your co-operation and should you have further enquiries regarding about the club shirt, you can send your enquiries to np_rotaract@np.edu.sg . Thank you.

Warmest regards,
Wendy Guo
Outgoing Public Relations Director
Rotaract Club of Ngee Ann Polytechnic


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