Two Events In a Day

>> Saturday, July 01, 2006

July 1 was a very eventful day and the events were very successful =D

Event A: Visit to NEWater Plant

A Professional Development event by Qian Jun, PD Director, this event had an amazing member attendance of 30 people. Everyone went back beaming with a bottle of NEWater, and bottled with NEWater knowledge. Hopefully, our next event will have higher particpation rate. :) YAY!!!

Your presence is always our motivation. Every single event we planned, organised and decided did not come easily. It takes a lot of communication and coordination to get the things done. Three cheers to Qian Jun for such an successful project!

Event B: Rotary Family Service Centre 5th Birthday Carnival

Rotary Foundation's Family Service Centre celebrated its birthday on 1st july by having a Carnival. It is a community service event =D. Some of our members became helpers of game stalls and helped in the Audio/Sound system component of the event.
The event began with Rotarian Mrs Nidhi giving out certificates of partipation to the Rotarians for the flag day coorganised with Ain Society. We also pariticipated it at Choa Chu Kang =D. A galore of performance by the small kids followed and songs sang by kid idol. It was a very enjoyable day. A total of 8 volunteers were present (maximum participants) and full attandance was achieved.

Well done members!!! Similar to the sayings of BA society, your enthusiasm, our motivation! =D


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