Rotaract Annual General Meeting

>> Monday, January 15, 2007

Rotaract Annual General Meeting:

1. Introduction of current committee
2. Announcement of available positions
3. Introduction and role of various positions
4. Future events / Feedback
5. Understanding the "PEARLS" CCA point grading system
6. Interview interested individuals
LT 73
Friday, 26 Jan 07
6 pm SHARP
1.5 hour
Highlights (Who should go)
MAIN comm
SUB comm
Those who wana take up position(s) in upcoming comm
Take note that this is a rather formal and important meeting.
Please confirm your attendance by Wednesday, 24 Jan 07.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Be initiative. It's time to be serious and responsible. BE REMINDED..

CCA pts will be awarded. Some light refreshments will be available.

Thanks & Regards

Ng Jan Sen
Fellowship Director
Rotaract Club
Ngee Ann Polytechnic
9862 4670

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