Visit to the Institute of Mental Health(IMH)
>> Monday, October 20, 2008
The visitation to IMH is yet another interesting Professional Development event cooked up for fellow Rotaractors. The objective is to expose ourselves to mental health(both psychological & psychiatric), what services IMH is providing & what role we as Rotaractors can do to help and also to be mentally healthy.
Some of us might think that IMH is a loony house, a place where only loony people will go for treatment. This is where some of us are mistaken. IMH, as its name suggest is an institute that studies and provides services relating to mental health not only mental illness. People of all ages are welcomed for consultation and treatment. Some of the issues of mental health include depression, eating-sleep disorders, relationship problems, medicine addiction, behavioural problems, anxiety & so on. As you can see it covers common mental problems we face whether you’re sane or slightly off your rocker.
Truth is most of us will one day come across these problems, be it ourselves or someone else we know. So the key thing is, we should be aware of them & learn how we can prevent them.
This visitation is a rare opportunity for all of us to experience what goes around in IMH & issues relating to mental health. There will be a briefing, followed by a tour of the institute.
Date(s) of Activity : 25th of October 2008
Time of Activity in IMH: 10am to 12pm
Venue of Activity : Institute of Mental Health Hospital Singapore
Number of Participants : 30
Gathering Location: Outside Block 1
Meeting at 0820 hours, leaving at 0830 hours SHARP
Please contact Jing Xiang at 92333175 or if u are interested to participate in this activity.
Warmest regards,
Tan Jing Xiang
Professional Development Director
Rotaract Club of Ngee Ann Polytechnic