AWWA FSC Open House

>> Sunday, May 14, 2006

Hey Members,
AWWA Family Service Centre

(fyi. AWWA stands for Asian Women Welfare Organisation)

They are having an open house and we have agreed to help out.
AWWA is an organization that does family services such as counseling.
More details at
22nd May, Monday (Day 1)

Meet-ups venues:
5pm at Canteen 1 Sushi Bar
6.20pm at Boon Keng MRT

Final venue and time: 6.30pm at Boon Keng MRT
Task: Distribution of Open House Invitation cards to nearby housing estates.
Estimated Ending Time 7.30pm
27th May, Saturday (Day 2)

Time: 9.20am to 3pm
Meeting Venue: Boon Keng MRT
Task: Giving out flyers near shopping centres and guiding visitors to the AWWA FSC.
Explaining to visitors some functions of AWWA FSC
Note: Some basic training will be done on the spot for information about AWWA.
CCA points will be awarded.

Please reply with your details:
Student No.:
Contact No.:

NOTE: You can choose to go for one of the days and both days. of course, I recommend BOTH days :)


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