How to Join NP Rotaract Club?

>> Tuesday, May 02, 2006

You can join this club by 2 ways

1. Membership form

Step 1: Contact the following people

JanSen - +65 986 24670
EnQing - +65 909 21009
Glenn - +65 966 70650

Step 2: Fix an appointment ie meet at somewhere etc

Step 3: These people will give you the membership forms and you will fill in and sign. Pay $5 for a year of membership fees if you can to our friendly folks.

2. Online application

Well. send an email of your interest to join the club to the following mails

We will send you an invitation mail to join and you fill up the details, send back to us and we will process it.

For the $5 dues, you can choose to meet any of us by calling us to pay dues or during our meetings, events, activities, prepare $5 to pay to us.

Common FAQ

Why must I pay $5?

A: The reason is very simple. Although we do community service, we do need some funds to do more community work. Some things like purchase of things in a goodie bag given to a patient, we use these funds too.

Another great use of the funds is when promoting the club - Buying materials etc, and our installation etc.

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