Recruitment for Fellowship Sub Committee

>> Sunday, May 24, 2009

Hey Rotaractors,

Interested to showcase your leadership skills ?
Want to earn more cca points ?
Like to plan events?

If your answer is YES, YOU ARE WANTED!
Do come down for the FELLOWSHIP SUB-COMMITTEE interview!

Details are as follows:
Venue: Library level 5 (TBC)
Date: Wednesday, 27th May 09
Time: 11am to 5pm

Please reply to on the preferred time if you are interested in joining this committee. You'll receive a confirmation email on Tuesday regarding your time-slot and the venue.
Preferred Time:

If you have any enquiries, please send them to . See you this Wednesday!

Joan Quek
Incoming Fellowship Director
Rotaract Club of Ngee Ann Polytechnic

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