Rotaract Club Shirt Fee & Membership Fee‏

>> Sunday, May 10, 2009

Hi fellow Rotaract members,

Welcome to Rotaract club! As all of you members known, all of you has to pay an annual Rotaract member fee of $5. This fee is for planning our club future events which involves logistics, etc. You can now pay us the $5 membership fee and $10 Rotaract Club shirt fee. These are the time slots whereby you can meet Vivien or Sharon.

Date: Tuesday 12 May 2009
Time: 4pm - 5.30pm
Venue: Block 56 Outside Lift Lobby Bench area

Date: Wednesday 13 May 2009
Time: 4pm - 5.30pm
Venue: Block 56 Outside Lift Lobby Bench area

Do come and pay us the fees on your preferred day and time slot. Do take note that email updates about Rotaract events will only be sent to those that had paid the member fee. If you are not able to meet during both of the time slot, do let me know.

For those whom had previously paid and wondering why you have to pay again, this is because this $5 fee is on a yearly basis!

For those that had already paid the member fee durng the Volunteerism forum, you can just ignore this post.

*Do sms/call Vivien or Sharon when you reach blk 56 if you do not know who I am.

You can contact me at 90486438 or Sharon 98194614.

Thanks alot and see you people! Have a nice weekend~!

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